We at Quality Cleaning “Maid to Order” pride ourselves on the quality of work that we provide to our clients. Our prices are higher than those that you will find on Craigslist for several reasons A. In addition to doing application reviews, phone and personal interviews we also do through screening that includes checking social…
Warning – after 29 years of cleaning my company just had our first experience with spontaneous breaking glass. Be forewarned its a scary experience

1) Is you business licensed to do business within your city/ county? (* see below for more information) 2) Are you working under your own name or under a Business name (DBA –Doing Business As) 3) If working under a DBA (Doing Business As) who is the owner of the business? 4) What is the…

A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee …You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and…

Burn out is very common symptom in this type of job due to the very physical nature of the job. That can easily affect the quality of work. In my many discussions with both customers and others in the cleaning industry there is also another symptom that we have jokingly referred to as “building blindness”,…

You can make your own polish-impregnated cloths to dust furniture. Pour some furniture polish (Guardsmen) into a large glass jar and shake it until the sides are coated. Pour the remainder of the polish back into the polish container. Place terry or other absorbent cloths in the jar and cover tightly. Leave overnight or until…

By Maurizio Bertoli of MB Stone Restoration & Supply, Inc. Marble and Granite Installations in Residential Dwellings Daily Maintenance – DOs ‘n’ DON’Ts Congratulations, you’ve got one of Mother Nature best in your home! It is time now to make sure that you’re going to follow a few basic guidelines for its proper maintenance and…

Some of the common chemicals found in your home shouldn’t be mixed together. It’s one thing to say “don’t mix bleach with ammonia”, but it’s not always easy to know what products contain these two chemicals. Here’s are some products you may have around the home that shouldn’t be combined. Bleach with Acid Toilet Bowl…

by: Glenn Beach The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) has recorded many exposures to household cleaning substances that were serious enough to require treatment in a health care facility. Incredibly, according to the AAPCC the largest number of occurrences of poisoning in 1993 were due to cleaning products – drain cleaners, toilet bowl…

by Dr. Joyce M. Woods Begin by thinking of your home as a toxic waste dump because studies show that the average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals – more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century. More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since WW II. Less than 2% of…