We use Environmentally Friendly & Non toxic Cleaners.
We at Quality Cleaning, Maid to Order™ pride ourselves in using the safest, most earth friendly products available. We always clean “Green” plus we can clean “Natural” if requested. We believe that you do not need to use toxic chemicals to clean. In fact our disinfectant is safer than Bleach and less toxic to use than Vinegar, yet EPA classified as hospital grade. We use only vacuums with Hepa filters that are Green label certified by the CRI (carpet and rug institute). Plus we practice recycling to minimize the effects on our earth.
To be considered “Green” cleansers being sold must now be
- Made of readily bio-degradable components
- Low or No toxicity to humans &/or Aquatic life
- No Carcinogens, sensitizers, teratogens or mutagens (agents that are capable of causing developmental abnormalities in utero or capable of changing genetic materials)
- No Endocrine disrupters
- No phosphates, chlorine bleach or harsh solvents
- Low VOC (volatile organic compounds)
- Made of renewable ingredients and in Concentrated Formulas to reduce wasted packaging and fuel
We are pleased to announce that Theresa Peterson – Owner of
Quality Cleaning, “Maid to Order” has been elected by her peers to help to Co-Chair the 2007 – ’08 Stakeholders Committee for the review and revision process for the Green Seal (GS-37) Standards
To be considered “Natural” a cleaner is normally made of recipes including mixtures of any of the following ingredients
- Lemon juice
- Castile soap (such as Dr. Bonners)
- Steam (vapor)
- Baking soda
- Pumice stone
- Oils (Carrier oils such as Olive, Sesame, Sunflower, Peanut or Sweet Almond oils)
- Essential Oils (Natural pressed Citrus &/or Botanical oils)
- Clay
- Enzymes
- Salt
- Vinegar
- Water
- Bee’s wax
- Borax (washing soda)
- Corn Starch
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Cream of Tartar
- Hydrogen Peroxide
Some Natural cleaning professionals will also use the following products that can be purchased “ready to use”
- Bon Ami
- Bar keepers friend
- Murphey’s Oil soap
- Mrs. Stewards Liquid Bluing
Natural cleaners
Sample recipes for Natural Cleaning
Alternative Recipe Drain Cleaner
1/2 cup of baking soda followed by 1/2 cup of vinegar. Let stand for 15 minutes, and then pour a teakettle of boiling water down the drain. Repeat if necessary. Periodic use will keep drains running freely. Seriously clogged drains may require a mechanical snake.
Straight vinegar, vinegar and salt, or a paste of baking soda and water are all effective grease cutters. Borax* sprinkled on a sponge or lemon wedge removes spots.
Aluminum Pan Cleaner
After removing as much substance as possible, fill pan with one quart of water and 2 Tbsp. cream of tartar. Bring to a boil and simmer for ten minutes. Rinse well.
Window Cleaner
Equal amounts of vinegar and water, mixed in a spray bottle. Apply with a soft cloth and dry with a squeegee or newspaper. A solution of 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol in 1 quart of water will remove hair spray residue.
Furniture Polish
Olive oil or almond oil for all wood surfaces. Apply with a soft cloth, rub in, let stand for several hours, and then polish with a soft, dry cloth to remove any residue.
Wood Floor Cleaner
Castile soap or vegetable oil-based soap (like Murphy’s oil soap). Vinegar and water. Follow package directions.
Multi-Purpose Cleaner
1 tsp. peppermint castile soap, 1 tsp. Borax*, and a squeeze of lemon in one quart of water. Vinegar, salt and water for surfaces. Baking soda and water for the bathroom.
Oven Cleaner
Mix 2 Tbsp. of castile soap and 2 tsp. Borax* in two cups of water. Apply and let sit for 20 minutes. Remove with a copper scrubber or green scouring pad. If the food is really baked on, follow up with a non-chlorine cleanser (Bon Ami) or a baking soda, salt, and water paste for added abrasion.
Bleach Cleaners
Use Hydrogen peroxide or Use powdered, not liquid, bleach.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Sprinkle baking soda in the toilet, and then scrub with a toilet bowl brush. For badly stained toilet, make a paste of lemon juice and Borax*, apply, and let sit for 20 minutes before scrubbing. To remove water line marks, pour in 2 cups of white vinegar and let stand overnight.
Tub and Tile Cleaner
Sprinkle baking soda on a sponge or green scouring pad. Add vinegar to remove rings or soap scum.
Shampoo: Upholstery, rug, and carpet
Mix 1/4 cup liquid dishwasher detergent with 1 cup of warm water in a large bowl and beat to a dry sudsy foam. Apply and scrub vigorously with a scrub brush. Let dry and vacuum. Dry cornstarch sprinkled on rug and vacuumed.
Silver Cleaner
Line the bottom of a glass container with a piece of aluminum foil, shiny side up. Add one tablespoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of salt and enough boiling water to cover your silver pieces. Wait a few seconds, then remove, rinse and dry silver. Tarnish is left on foil.
Decorative Metal Cleaner (for brass, copper or pewter)
Combine 1/2 cup of salt with 1/2 cup white vinegar. Add enough flour to make a paste. Apply and let sit 15 minutes to one hour. Rinse thoroughly to prevent corrosion. Salt and vinegar should not be used on metals that have a lacquer coating.
Grease Stain Remover
Sprinkle immediately with cornstarch or corn meal. Wait until the grease is absorbed and then brush it away.
Protein Stain Remover (eggs, blood, grass, milk and baby formula)
Soak immediately in a solution of 1 cup Borax* in cold water for at least 30 minutes. Or, try club soda with lemon juice. Wash as usual.
Fruits and Vegetable Stain Remover
Soak immediately in cold water. Wash with detergent, not soap.
Non-washables Stain Remover
Test this method on an inconspicuous area first as it may lighten the fabric color. Sponge with cold water or club soda. Isopropyl alcohol will remove wine stains and some types of ink. A small amount of Borax* on a sponge can be used to remove spots from upholstery.
Odor Control
Sinks and Garbage Disposals
Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain with running water. Put orange or lemon halves or peels down the disposal with running water and turn it on.
Air Fresheners
Simmer whole spices such as cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice. Hang an orange or apple studded with cloves in small spaces. Herbal potpourri in bowls.
Cooking Odors
Place white vinegar in a shallow bowl or saturate a paper towel with vanilla extract.
Other Odor Controls
Baking soda in the refrigerator, freezer, cat box, bottom of garbage can and sprinkled on rugs. Matches and candles.